Helping client to find the root problem is critically important in order to have effective healing. In this program, we will guide going through a process of identifying possible issues, review all solutions and plan a recuperation regimen that is effective and achievable. During this journey, you will find the right way out for your health, encouraged by positive and well trained professionals in a truly comfortable and private environment.
Sprouts Holistic Health Centre offers a non-invasive method to collect a full range of information about your health using a comprehensive bioenergetic technology called the Qest4. This technology asks the body “questions” quickly which allows the practitioner to develop a picture of your body’s responses to a wide variety of items, which then provides guidance to your practitioner to help you in the healing process.
Do not waste your time on treating only the symptoms. Talk to our highly experienced natural health professionals who is truly care about your health!
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~ ” Thomas A. Edison
Energetic Evaluation for Food Sensitivity
Food sensitivity happens when the body has difficulty digesting a particular food. It is more common than many of us think, especially for people with digestive system disorders.
Food sensitivity may cause a broad range of symptoms—from obvious digestive signs such as bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, to less obvious ones like migraines and brain fog. Such symptoms can take a few hours to a few days to manifest, making it tricky to identify the true cause.
At Sprouts Holistic Health Centre, we offer a non-invasive method to collect set of information about food sensitivity using bioenergetic technology called the Qest4. This technology asks the “innate intelligence” of the body hundreds to thousands of “questions” in minutes, measuring the responses from the body-mind system.
The result may not definitively show that one food causes a specific symptom but helps the client to identify patterns or certain foods that are causing problems. At the same time, it is also crucial to address the root cause of the symptoms. It could be stress, chronic inflammation in the body, or weakness in the digestive system which will need adequate gut support. Other causes include stress, excess alcohol, antibiotics, imbalance of gut flora, parasites, etc.
Guidance on a tailored elimination diet and reintroduction of food in your diet will be given, allowing you to have a clearer picture of the actions needed for the healing in the body to take place. What’s more? A personalized Qest4 energetic imprint will be given, providing the body with the “information” needed for healing naturally.
Food sensitivity will change over time. Qest4 bioenergetic evaluation not only gives clients clues about food sensitivity but also the direction for healing priorities. The client could do a review on food sensitivity every 3 months if needed.
Energetic Evaluation of Overall Body Systems and Nutrition Profile
We believe every person is endowed with innate intelligence or some may simply call it Energy. We believe we interact with everything via an exchange process involving this energetic language. From the food we eat to the words we speak; everything carries with it the energetic information that makes it unique as well as how it relates to the whole.
When the individual has the needed energetic information, and all parts of the energy flow to and in itself are re-established, it then has the ability to regain homeostasis or fix itself (self-healing).
We offer energetic evaluations on the overall body systems and nutrition profile which are intended to support the body’s natural healing ability by providing missing or misunderstood energetic information to the individual’s innate intelligence. This energetic information can be imprinted into the water and used to remove or reduce blocked or compromised energy flow and allow the body to heal naturally.
Evaluation of the energetic condition of the organs and systems allows us to understand which of the organs or systems need to be supported. There will be a baseline when our organs and systems are in a balanced state. Anything above the baseline indicates stressed energy and anything below the baseline indicates weakened energy. The practitioner is able to use Qest4 to make a personalized energetic remedy imprint to help the client balance the imbalances found. This is the most unique part of the technology. However, this is an energetic evaluation and thus does not relate to the physical condition of the individual.
Energetic evaluation of nutrition profile essentially provides information related to the nutrition level in the body such as amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. It is important to know what is in deficiency and why there is a deficiency as our body needs to have sufficient nutrients for healing to take place efficiently. Sometimes, the deficiency may be due to lacking enzymes for digestion, poor absorption, an imbalanced diet, heavy metal, high toxic level, acidic bodies, constipation, food sensitivity, diarrhea, parasites, hormones, etc. The practitioner may recommend supplementation of nutrients after a discussion with the client.
Every individual is unique. Although two persons have the same symptoms, their body-mind connections can be different so what they need for the body to heal or to bring into balance is different.
Periodically Qest4 assessment keeps our body-mind-spirit in good health and is very important in preventive healthcare. By pulling out deep information you know about yourself better. Client could do a review every 2 to 3 months, or when needed.

Qest4 Energetic Evaluation
A combination of
Food Sensitivity Test &
Body Systems and
Nutrition Profile Test
$259 (non-student)
$229 (ICHH Student Price)
*Best value with over $100 saving!!

Body Systems &
Nutrition Profile Test
We offer energetic evaluations on the overall body systems and nutrition profile which are intended to support the body’s natural healing ability by providing missing or misunderstood energetic information to the individual’s innate intelligence
$185 (non-student)
$165 (ICHH Student Price)

Food Sensitivity Test
Food sensitivity may cause a broad range of symptoms—from obvious digestive signs such as bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, to less obvious ones like migraines and brain fog. Such symptoms can take a few hours to a few days to manifest, making it tricky to identify the true cause. We offer a non-invasive method to collect set of information about food sensitivity using bioenergetic technology called the Qest4.
$185 (non-student)
$165 (ICHH Student Price)